Thursday, June 11, 2015

insight on stay @ home mom fun

So I was playing with my daughter: Mr. Duckie was the bus driver, piggy needed to get him to his slop whole (her toy pile), mini Barbie was in desperate need of a hair doo she looked a hot mess but kept getting on and off bus poor thing couldn't make up her mind hair doo? no hair doo? (daughter kept taken her out by her hair). Mr. Knight needed to get to battle with the standing tower of blocks. So off they go and the bus driver, mr. Duckie fell out so we had to wait on him to get back n the bus...meanwhile mr. Knight wouldn't stay in his seat but in the end everyone got to where they needed to go lmao....
confession: I lost her 5 mins ago to her movie tangled

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Riot & Racism

why are we still seeing color?
when I look at someone I don't see there color. Why does the color of someone's skin matter? its not only white, black, Asian, Hispanic etc. It is also within each race itself. A WHITE girl gets discriminated against by her own race because she is to white. I have seen a black person get discriminated against by his own race for being too dark. So, tell me why do we have this issue? I see the person not the skin color. I see the beauty in each person, also the bad. I don't care if your white, black, purple, green. Your a person and should be treated as such!

It has been all over the news about a mother beating the crap out of her son for rioting. THAT WILL BE ME!
I just wanna say YOU GO GIRL! I'm behind u 100%!

Racism should NOT be an issue in 2015! I promise you my daughter will be taught better!
now that I have gotten that out of the way!
Niggers are low, stupid people, who are disrespectful etc.
There are white people that are niggers!
please people get your facts straight


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

how do u want to be remembered?

so, im sitting here watching my daughter today. the only way I can explain it is she was on "autopilot". She would interact with me but was wanting to learn EVERYTHING. so we sat down read books, went over our colors etc. then it hit me, every mom I know has told me something on the lines of "what u teach your child when they are young will affect them the rest of their lives". I remember a few of those women very vividly when we had this conversation. I understood what they meant. I would always try to do good by my children, I thought. Well here I am today, I saw it happened and it just naturally happened. I saw her wanting to learn so I jumped into "mommy action". I'm saying all this not for brownie points, but to make you think. If I remember those ladies so vividly, naturally came to me to help my child, etc. When your remembered in a conversation do you want to be remembered as the lady or man that taught you something, or do you want to be remembered as someone who did something horrible to that person?

Everything you say and do everyday affects someone's life. Think about it.
 How do you want to be remembered?

Monday, April 20, 2015

what is wrong with the usa... rant

im 28 yrs old with a daughter that's 16 mos. my husband works his ass off to provide for us. also hes a veteran. the medicade office denied my medicade because he makes $100 to much every month. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? that $100 a month goes to clothes for my daughter cuz she grows out of them so fast. if it doesn't go to that it goes to toilet paper etc. why would you deny someone that needs medicade but then turn around and had it to people who CHOOSE to sit on their asses?????
Due to medical issues I am limited on what I can do. I can not believe that the usa has come to this bullshit. when he FOUGHT for this ....SERIOUSLY THIS IS HOW YOUR GONNA TREAT US? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? We have struggled since day 1 that he was out of the army. Tell me why the hell did he fight for our country when hes still gonna have to fight to survive..... UGH  so fed up!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

i love you means.....

When someone says "I love you" What exactly does that mean?
In my opinion it is when you would jump in front of a bus to push them out of the way of it.
Don't just say oh oh oh oh yea I would die for this person or that person. really think about it for a minute or two.

Imagine that pain on impact of the bus to your tensed body but you feel muscles tear, multiple bones shattering with blood dripping from every possible place on your face.
now imagine if it broke your legs its possible it broke your ribs, grasping for air as the pain gets worse with every breath you take. then you look up to seeing that person you pushed out of the way.... and have no regrets.

Trust to me falls in the category as what we just spoke of. It isn't a thing you toss around. 

stop tossing things around use your mind ... think people ...
world would be better

and fuck all you grammar Nazi's don't care

My story intro

Hey guys, Anita here! First of all, I wanted to drop a line and say hey and give yall a face to go with me. I am a very random person. I know my grammar sucks and sometimes I don't know when to stop, but as you read you'll get to know me better. You'll understand my life and where I come from. This blog is more for my therapy I guess, but if there is anyone out there that is going through any of what I have been through, I hope they find my blog and it changes their life somehow.

Secondly, I'd like to get started by saying this is NOT a blog for kids. I will be brutally honest in my opinions and in my thoughts. I will let your mind wander on parts and others I will share.


my blog

Hey guys,
Thanks for the 300+ views! I really didn't think I would get that many views on my blog. If you see anything that could/would improve my blog. Please let me know. I am about to start a, I guess u would call it, story blog. So, hit the follow button to be sure you get updates.

Peace out ;)